Tarrant Plastic Surgery

Should I Wait to Have Breast Augmentation Until I’m Done Having Kids?

Dec 5, 2021 @ 07:05 PM — by Vishnu Rumalla
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a safe and popular way to enhance your figure. For current and prospective mothers, finding the right time to undergo treatment is an essential part of the planning process. Many women ask themselves: “Should I want to have breast augmentation until after childbirth?” 

With pros and cons on each end of the spectrum, how do you choose if you should wait to have breast augmentation before or after childbirth? Dr. Vishnu Rumalla and the team of qualified professionals at Tarrant Plastic Surgery in Fort Worth, TX, are ready to assist you in the planning process.

Physical Changes During Pregnancy

Since the body undergoes changes during pregnancy, many women decide to wait until after childbirth to have a breast augmentation procedure. 

Bodily changes that occur during pregnancy that may affect the breast augmentation area include:

Many patients at our Fort Worth practice also ask the question of whether or not breast augmentation will affect breastfeeding. While mothers can still breastfeed following the procedure, some who intend to breastfeed find it more comfortable to wait until after this phase of motherhood comes to an end before undergoing breast augmentation. 

Will I Need Revision Surgery After Pregnancy? 

Choosing to undergo breast augmentation before childbirth is often the result of wanting the immediate satisfaction of fuller, more shapely breasts. However, once pregnancy and breastfeeding have come to an end, hormones communicate to the body that milk no longer needs to be produced, causing them to shrink back to their original, pre-pregnancy size. Some women might even experience flatter, less voluminous breasts than they had in the past.

The final results of these significant changes are difficult to anticipate–with or without the presence of implants. While revision surgery is not always necessary for mothers with breast implants, many women do choose to revisit their surgeon for retreatment following this phase of motherhood. 

The Choice Is Completely Yours

Each woman’s body is different, and the decision on whether to undergo breast augmentation before or after childbirth varies from person to person. While many surgeons recommend that it is best to wait until after childbirth to ensure optimal results, think about your personal goals and what you hope to achieve before deciding when the time is right for your breast augmentation. 

If you are looking for fuller, perkier breasts now, you don’t need to wait. You will still be able to participate in all roles of motherhood including breastfeeding. However, if you’re worried about the changes that your body will undergo and want to ensure you only need the procedure done once without a further touch-up down the line, it may be best to wait until after childbirth. 

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Are you trying to decide when the best time for your procedure is? At Tarrant Plastic Surgery, Dr. Vishnu Rumalla is highly qualified in breast augmentation and happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the timing of the procedure. Call (817) 334-0030 or use our online form to request your appointment at our Fort Worth office today.