Tarrant Plastic Surgery

How Long Does a Thigh Lift Surgery Last?

Nov 30, 2020 @ 08:00 PM — by Vishnu Rumalla
Tagged with: Thigh Lift Body Contouring

Undergoing a thigh lift (thighplasty) can give you back your confidence and self-assurance. A thigh lift reshapes the thighs by reducing the excess amount of skin and fat. At Tarrant Plastic Surgery in Fort Worth, TX, we provide top-notch, long-lasting thigh lift surgery.

Many prospective thigh lift patients wonder how long a thigh lift lasts. Here’s the short answer: with good care and health habits, a thigh lift lasts a long, long time. Read on to discover more as Dr. Vishnu Rumalla guides you through thigh lift recovery and proper aftercare.

Types of Thigh Lifts

There are essentially three different types of thigh lifts, and the long-term results can differ depending on the type of surgery performed and numerous other factors.

With proper aftercare, the results of any thigh lift procedure can last for many years.

Thigh Lift Results

Following the procedure, thigh lift patients will wear compression garments and refrain from strenuous movements. The skin and thigh tissue need time to recover and heal from the surgery. The more careful you are during this period, the better you will heal, and the better the long-term results will be.

While some changes will be immediately apparent, most patients see a noticeable improvement in six weeks. The results of a thigh lift can continue to improve for up to 12 months after surgery.

Effects of Overall Health

The better your health is, the longer your thigh lifts will last and the better they will look. There are numerous steps to take to keep you healthy and to maintain aesthetic outcomes.

We recommend that thigh lift patients at our Fort Worth practice avoid or minimize the following:

Following these suggestions can lead to healthier skin and reduced visible scarring. Scars that form will benefit from protection from sunlight and UV rays, so even tanning beds are to be avoided.

Maintaining Weight

The nature of our skin is to be adaptable. It has to be able to undergo changes in our body weight and composition. Because of this, we ask that patients be as close to their ideal weight as possible before undergoing a thigh lift.

Weight gain after surgery would lead to a stretching of the skin and scar tissue. Weight loss, on the other hand, leads to sagging skin. Either one may undo the benefits of your thigh lift.

Lasting for Years to Come

When it comes down to it, thigh lifts are meant to last. Age has a way of catching up with us, but that is why we have these cosmetic options available. If you suspect your thigh lift results have diminished, we would be happy to speak with you.

Schedule an Appointment Today

If you live in the Fort Worth area and would like to know more about thigh lift surgery and other body contouring options, feel free to reach out. You can schedule an appointment online today or call us at (817) 334-0030.