Tarrant Plastic Surgery

The Importance of Massage after Breast Augmentation

Mar 14, 2020 @ 10:00 AM — by Vishnu Rumalla
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation enhances the appearance of the breasts, not just in size, but also in shape and symmetry.

After breast augmentation surgery, it's important that patients follow post-surgical instructions to encourage proper healing and reduce complications. One important instruction is to massage the breasts during recovery. At our Fort Worth, TX, practice, Dr. Vishnu Rumalla takes the time to explain the importance of massage after breast augmentation.

Why Is It Important to Massage the Breasts after Augmentation?

Massaging the breasts after augmentation helps the breast tissue adjust to the implants and, most importantly, reduce the risk of capsular contracture.

Capsular contracture is a condition in which scar tissue and collagen fibers build up and tighten around the implants, often causing pain and making the breasts feel hard.

Massaging the breasts after augmentation helps reduce the risk of capsular contracture by gently stretching and keeping the tissue around the implants pliable.

About Capsular Contracture

Part of the natural healing process after breast augmentation is for the body to create a “capsule” of scar tissue and collagen fibers around the breast implants. This is a natural immune response to having a foreign object within the breasts.

Although it is normal and expected that the body will create this capsule, sometimes it begins to shrink and tighten around the implants. This is known as capsular contracture.

When capsular contracture occurs, it can make the breasts feel hard, look distorted in shape, and cause pain.

How Often Should You Massage Your Breasts?

We recommend our Fort Worth patients massage their breasts after augmentation to help reduce the risk of capsular contracture. Regular massage for the first couple months after surgery is an important way to keep scar tissue and collagen fibers from building up and tightening around the implants.

Patients are given personalized instructions as to when and how often to massage the breasts but are generally advised to massage them for roughly five minutes three times a day during the first month followed by twice a day during the second month of recovery.

Massage Techniques

Our Fort Worth patients are provided instructions on techniques to safely massage their breasts as they recover from surgery. 

When massaging the breasts, patients should use firm pressure but not so much that they cause themselves pain. Additionally, the techniques recommended will depend on the specifics of each patient's surgery.

The following are some general techniques that many find beneficial after breast augmentation surgery:

Learn More

For answers to your questions about breast augmentation, we welcome you to call (817) 334-0030 to schedule a consultation.