Tarrant Plastic Surgery

A Slimmer and Trimmer Tummy: Abdominal Liposuction

Jul 30, 2016 @ 03:29 PM — by Vishnu Rumalla
Tagged with: Liposuction Body Contouring

We've all had problems with looking our best. In many cases, that means dealing with a not-so-flat stomach. You can do all the crunches you want and eat right and you may still have issues with fat. This is because spot reduction (i.e., targeting exercise to a specific part of the body) doesn't work for fat reduction. That's when a person may consider liposuction as a solution.

Our Fort Worth plastic surgery center is pleased to offer liposuction for cosmetic fat reduction and sculpting. Many patients who seek liposuction want to undergo the surgery to deal with their stomachs. That's what we'd like to focus on today.

About Liposuction

Liposuction is a cosmetic body sculpting surgery that removes unwanted fat from different parts of the body. Thanks to liposuction, a person can look much trimmer and slimmer. It's a great solution for those problem bits of fat that just won't go away. And if you're like most people, some of that fat is typically found around the stomach.

Hope Common Is Abdominal Liposuction?

Very common. In fact, abdominal liposuction is typical when patients come in for liposuction.

This has everything to do with how excess fat is stored in our bodies. For men and women, the fat tends to accumulate around the abdominal region. This can lead to a made belly, covering up those abs and making you look a little lumpy overall.

Thankfully, liposuction can target the fat of the abdominal region with ease, allowing you to have that toned and trim tummy that you have always wanted.

Note: Liposuction Is NOT for Weight Loss Per Se

Keep in mind that liposuction is a cosmetic procedure and not intended for weight loss in and of itself. It's true that you will lose weight if you undergo liposuction, but weight loss is a secondary or tertiary feature to the surgery, and only a certain amount of body fat can be safely removed during the procedure. The primary aim of liposuction is body sculpting.

Liposuction for the Gut

The lower abdominal area is a major problem region for many people. So much fat and body mass can just form right up front, making you sag over the top of your pants. Liposuction is great for the gut, helping you lose that excess fat and look much better in the process.

Liposuction for the Love Handles

The love handles are another major problem spot. If you're on a beach or in warm weather without wearing a shirt of top, the love handles can really make you feel self-conscious. Muffin topping can be embarrassing, and issues with the gut don't help matters. Thankfully liposuction can take those handles away and leave you looking athletic and toned.

Is Liposuction Right for Me?

The best way to find out if liposuction is right for you is to schedule a consultation at our practice. We can go over all of your body sculpting options and figure out if now is the time for liposuction.

Learn More About Liposuction

For more information about liposuction and your many other options for body contouring and aesthetic enhancement, be sure to contact our cosmetic plastic surgery center today. The team here will help you look your absolute best.